Hello, please sign into the guestbook using the comments section below. Include your name, your email address, where you are from, and any comments you may have. Thank you!
Hello, please sign into the guestbook using the comments section below. Include your name, your email address, where you are from, and any comments you may have. Thank you!
Larry Henry
7/20/2015 06:31:05 am
Great looking site!
( Doc ) Donald Johnson
1/31/2021 04:56:14 am
I was with this division from 1968-1970 while on patrol and working on a man my right knee was shot out. I now have Parkinson’s due to agent orange!
7/11/2024 07:01:42 pm
Met John Shumway. After the war .in a counseling session with other Vietnam veterans. He let me talk for 2
Darrell Barnes
7/20/2015 08:23:13 am
I like the idea. I try to visit the site often and I believe this update is a good change.
Donald (Don) Speer
8/1/2015 08:16:45 am
The prototype of new "Weebly" site is excellent. The hovering names of people in pictures is especially effective. I do miss the singing of "Good Morning Vietnam"!
Bob Luedtke
8/2/2015 10:20:43 pm
Will look at it more while I'm at work today. Looks great so far.
orland britnell
8/7/2015 06:08:14 am
live in Russellville, AL.
Jerry Rodgers
8/17/2015 12:28:17 pm
Like the new, clean look.
Tom & Lanis
8/18/2015 06:57:40 am
Yes, we agree
James Harkness
8/19/2015 08:09:01 am
yes looks great thanks for all the hard work . sorry but wont make this years reunion . but will be thinking of everyone ! Jim
Wayne W. Morris
8/22/2015 07:12:02 am
Great looking site. A friend of Gary Weaver for many years.
Evelina Haley
3/22/2016 03:20:22 pm
Great looking Site
3/26/2016 10:37:21 am
The above FB site it dedicated to my beloved brother Randy " Red in the head" Eschmann. He served in Vietnam 1969-1970 Lz Baldy was just one of the artillery units he served in. He served the Marine corp. HE died in 2009 , having never been able to see any of his Vietnam buddies. If he were alive today he would be so grateful to see these wonderful reunions taking place. God bless you all.
Leo Powell
10/20/2016 05:31:12 pm
I also remember him above most of the people I have blanked out. I am sorry he died. I don't know what else to say except I always liked him and appreciated how he helped us all.
Leigh Bratcher
3/26/2016 09:04:23 pm
On 5 September, 1969 I was wounded East of Hoi An. I was picked up by a Dustoff and taken to LZ Baldy for treatment I was transferred to the 95th Evac later that day. I would like to thank everyone who served with C Co 23 Med Bn for the care they gave me.
David Lynn
7/17/2022 06:17:05 pm
Leigh, Were you with 1st Tanks, Charlie Company?
D Mckee
4/1/2016 12:32:57 pm
Great site served at hawk hill c/2/1 196th americal medivaced after 2 months spent 1 year in valley forge army hosp thanks to all just learned 2 yrs ago agent orange cancer never thought I'd get it owell still above ground loving life
Jim Willis
5/4/2016 09:32:39 am
I was a medic in C Co. 23rd Med. on Hawk Hill for most of 1970.
D r Mckee
5/19/2016 11:12:33 am
How do I get disk
Jim Willis
5/25/2016 10:31:13 am
Mr. McKee,
mike aberle
6/30/2018 07:10:04 pm
Hi Jim
mike aberle
6/30/2018 07:22:24 pm
My name is mike aberle.
Deano Vandernoot
11/14/2024 08:46:38 am
Good morning. I have been looking for the medic who treated me. I brought two young girls in one was wounded. She had her lower leg ambulated. I believe the person who redressed my left knee cap from a pugee stick was a medic. He asked if I was the one going on emergency leave and I was. I need a statement from him so I can receive my Purple Heart. Can you help? Thank you. I was with The 196th 4/31 Delta CO.
Joseph Canale
5/5/2016 06:21:26 pm
LZ Baldy 2-69 to 10-69, LZ Hawk Hill 10-69 to 12-69.
Leo powell
10/20/2016 05:42:57 pm
I was on LZ Baldy with the 3/2ND Artillery attached to the 196th Inventory from July 1969 until we were moved to Hawk Hill. I will forever remember August 21/August 22, 1969. Why did any of us survive? I still can not remember.
6/12/2020 07:54:21 pm
Chào ông, tôi là Khuất Quang Cừ, em của một bộ đội VN đã chiến đấu và hy sinh tại LZ Baldy ngày 12/5/1969. Đến hôm nay tôi mới biết ông đã ở LZ Baldy từ 2/1969 đến 10/1969. Tôi đang tìm thông tin về anh tôi và đơn vị của anh, đơn vị đã 3 lần tập kích vào LZ Baldy trong năm 1969 (23/2,12/5 và 16/8/1969). Xin ông vui lòng cho tôi biết những thông tin mà ông biết về 3 trận tập kích đó của đơn vị anh tôi (Tiểu đoàn đặc công 409 QK5) và các bức ảnh ông đã chụp trong thời gian ông ở LZ Baldy và Hill 63. Xin chân thành cảm ơn ông. KQC.
Stephen Hemmert
5/8/2016 12:01:48 am
I really like the hovering over the picture technology. Great site. I was in Company A 3/21 196th in 1970. I was medivaced as a heat casualty May 2, 1970. I found myself being roused up from recovering with an IV drip in the mortuary cooler. I first thought there were other heat casualties in the cooler, but, later I found out they were KIA's and probably from my company who were KIA on the night of May 1, 1970.
William b Goforth
6/26/2016 12:37:28 pm
Stephan....I have E-mailed you the Day Rooster for C Co. 23rd med sick an wounded call sheet. for May 1,1970,all your wounded buddys are on there,sorry i don't have May 2nds.I filled that generator twice a day to keep graves cooler cold,later on we got air conditioned room for you guys with heat.
Robert Luedtke
6/27/2018 03:56:10 pm
Stephen, although I was not in Nam in '70, I helped build Hawk Hill bunkers for the medics. I left in Oct. '69. I was with C Co. 23rd Med on LZ Baldy. I read your post today and had to share with my family. They, as others, have no idea what the medics and soldiers endured every day. If I may, I would like to repost your story on my timeline. Thank you. May you be blessed.
Ramey Salyer
4/3/2020 03:46:49 pm
Bob, we served together on Baldy. I was assigned to the 23rd MP Co in Nov 68 and used to hang out with you Med guys (mostly for the food lol) . Later in the Spring of 69 I was transferred to Hawk Hill. Must have been something I said...
Stephen Hemmert
1/15/2021 11:17:07 pm
I was perusing posts under my name and came across your comment. Of course, you may add my post. Sorry for the belated answer. Just read your note tonight (1/15/2021)
mike aberle
12/17/2018 06:26:57 pm
Hi Stephen
4/17/2019 06:50:27 pm
I was a physician on Hawk Hill from February 1971 until we moved to Monkey Mountain in Da Nang and left in October 1971.
Deano Vandernoot
10/16/2024 10:41:15 am
Good morning. I am looking for the medic who redressed my wound from a pungee stick, September 1970. I brought in two sister's one was shoot in the knee. I was going on emergency leave, I didn't receive any paper showing I was wounded. I have witness statements but I need statements from a doctor, nurse or medic. I can not receive The Purple Heart without one. Can you help me please?
George Garceau
5/18/2016 08:16:42 am
LZ Baldy USMC Motor transport maintance shop sept 1969 to Jan 1970
7/21/2016 07:55:30 pm
LZ Baldy&Hawk Hill 69/71 196 2/1 light Infrantry Brigade !
Leo F. Powell
8/9/2016 09:25:08 am
3rd 82nd art. June 1969 to Sept 1970
Alex R Clemens
7/4/2020 02:11:08 am
LZ Baldy Jan 69 to Oct 69, then to Hawk Hill until Jan 70. In many ways seems like just a few years ago. Never forget the relief of sunrise on perimeter bunkers.
Stanley Schlieper
6/9/2024 06:30:32 pm
A Btry 3/82 arty 196th June 69 at Baldy and left Feb 70 from Hawk Hill
Debbie Harr
8/28/2016 12:44:30 pm
I have not visited the site for a while and when I saw the homepage with Mike (Spike) Kolosoff I thought very fondly of wonderful opportunity. He had to reconnect with his brothers,it meant everything to him and me. I miss him everyday and remember how you were there for him!
Darrell Barnes
9/18/2016 09:14:58 am
Debbie, I think of him and how I missed the opportunity to see you guys at the reunions. We are losing our brothers slowly as the reunions continue, but I am so thankful we are getting together. Seeing you in Marietta was very special to me and wish we could have gotten more time to just talk about Spike.
Steve Swenson
9/23/2016 07:29:23 pm
Hawk Hill Lab Tech 1971 until Americal deactivation 11/71. Reassigned to the 196th Provisional in Da Nang.
ric ostmoe
8/14/2017 10:38:16 am
Steve, I was a lab tech at
Rod Boltjes
10/8/2017 04:24:57 pm
And I was the lab tech on Baldy for much of 68. Ric, hope to make the reunion in 2018 in Florida. Would be fun to talk. 4/17/2019 06:53:25 pm
I was a physician at Hawk Hill during your time there
Bob Flynn
4/17/2019 07:49:17 pm
Hi Doc- you probably wouldn’t remember me. I was the motor sgt on the Hill and after we moved to DaNang I had my own full size ambulance! Not an FLA! I went home in November of 71.
Deano Vandernoot
5/23/2019 08:30:17 am
Were you one of the Doc's who treated a little girl I brought in around Oct 3rd 1970 who was shot in the knee? One of the Medic's took her in and re-badged my left knee caused by a pungee stick. He advised me I needed to get on the next bird out or stay the night. I was going on emergency leave.
mike aberle
1/9/2021 02:45:17 pm
Dr Friedman 10/20/2016 03:43:55 pm
Was at/near LZ Baldy 1969.
Kathy Burkett
11/11/2016 07:09:25 am
My exhusband is Steven W. Burkett who was Army 1st Cav and I forgot the rest but he spoke of Ho Chi Min, Da Bang LZ Badly, he is short so he had to go down the holes to see if VC were in them and of course they'd drop grenades.. He said they once caught an ocelot??? His step dad was a Chief in the Navy and drug him down to be drafted.he was born in Massachusetts, lived in New York and California. He lives in Lewisville Texas his SS# is 409-82-0481 I don't use my email much but you can contact me by Facebook or Messenger. Kathy Smith-Burkett
Dan Hickey
11/30/2016 07:12:03 pm
Was at LZ Baldy and established first Graves registration unit there. GR tent was nest to the medic tent.
2/20/2017 07:18:33 pm
Dan, Sorry I never stopped by for a "visit". Wasn't avoiding anyone IF you know what I mean. Had occasion to visit the 11th LIB Graves Unit at Duc Pho (LZ Bronco) in Aug 1970
2/16/2017 06:49:01 pm
Lived at LZ Baldy and LZ Hawk Hill Jul 1969-Aug 1970. Was assigned to the 2nd platoon 23rd MP Company, 196 LIB. The 2nd platoon was the "Skunk at the Garden Party" and initially had to get chow from other units or eat C Rats. The Mess SGT at the 155 Battery invited us to eat at his mess-hall. He earned our undying gratitude. Later the 23rd Med Mess became our official place to eat. The night of 11/12 Aug 1969 Hawk Hill came under mortar/rocket attack and sappers got inside the wire, knocked out two tanks and killed 9 soldiers of C Troop 1/1 Cav Regt. We are alerted about the sappers and warned not to
Ramey Salyer
4/3/2020 03:26:52 pm
I remember that 69 Hawk Hill mortar attack well, and the casualties laid out in the morning light. Another MP and I searched and cleared underground bunkers one by one in the dark, searching for Sappers. Like you, the order that was shouted at me as I emerged from my own bunker was not to shoot any of our own. There was an awful lot going on at that moment, and I remember how we all looked exhausted when the sun came up.
Charlotte M Barksdale
7/31/2022 08:38:47 pm
My husband was in Co. A, 26th Engineers. He was there that night and wrote home about the events of that attack. He was also sent on assignments to LZ Professional, LZ Siberia, and LZ Mary Ann to do demo work as well as construct bunkers, etc.
Robert R Meek Jr.
2/20/2017 04:53:58 pm
Thank you, God bless everyone involved.
2/20/2017 07:27:03 pm
Bob, THANK YOU for the kind words and blessing. They mean a lot to me.
Cordie Croft
6/2/2019 06:04:25 pm
For the most part the 2nd Plt were misfits that the company rejected so we became part of the 196th LIB combat MP's, we had some 146th MP Platoon, some navy and AF's and MP's that ran a POW Cage that came directly under the 196th. I received my orders from the 196th LIB Commander. You were one of the lucky ones, you escaped to PMI. But you are remembered. Some of us still remain in contact on FB.
Ramey Salyer
4/3/2020 03:07:14 pm
Croft, I was one of those misfits with you on Baldy from Nov 68 until the company rejected me all the way to Hawk Hill in the spring of 69. When I first got to Baldy, the platoon (at least my hooch) was mostly made up of 196th 11B short timers who showed me the ropes for my first 2 months in country. I owe those guys and still think fondly of them.
Cordie Croft
4/3/2020 03:38:25 pm
Next month I believe I will see my 80th birthday. Looking back, most of my life was lived as a misfit and it carried on to my military career. But it was a good life which I enjoyed and met interesting people. In Nam we did our job accomplished our mission and served our nation and commanders. We were able to adjust to our situation and each other. I still remember most of the ones I served with. Many of the 196th MP Plt were forgotten, they filled a niche and soon the need for them disappeared and they had to fit in with other units. I'm thankful for all of you that I served with.
Deano Vandernoot
4/30/2017 08:35:21 am
I was with The 196th, 4/31 Oct. 1970 I arrived at Hawk Hill by Dust Off with two sister's. The oldest was wounded during a fire fight with the VC. I was going on emergency Leave. The Medic took the young girl and came back to clean the wound I received during the fire fight. I chased one of the VC into a tunnel and a bamboo spike trap they set up went into my left knee. The Medic I needed to get on the Chopper that was leaving or I would have to spend the night. I wish I had so Doctor could have written a note about my wound. I just received a letter from Department of The Army stating I regret to inform no Purple Heart. Nothing signed by a Doctor! Please Help!
Charles Murphy
5/5/2017 08:33:43 am
Transferred to Chu lai Headquarters 70 / 71 1/1st Cav. Ammo resupply to LZ Hawk Hill
Deano Vandernoot
5/5/2017 10:52:40 am
Good afternoon Charles. Where you there when I brought the two sister's in?
Deano Vandernoot
8/14/2017 12:31:50 pm
During Oct. 1970 before engaging the VC I number was called to go on EM. LV. We had a little girl that was wounded during the fire fight, we called for a Med-vac but a Tycoon hit the area. someone's voice came over our radio and asked if we had a Emergency Leave and we said yes. After we were picked up and dropped off at Hawk Hill the young girl's leg was amputated. The Medic who took her also treated my left leg for a pungee stink. Since no Doctor treated me, no Purple Heart. Looking for anyone who may remember that.
John Brennan
9/6/2017 01:40:08 pm
I just received from the publisher a digital copy of the book, Vietnam War Army Helicopter Nose Art, and it looks fantastic. They did an awesome job in showcasing 300 photos within 190 pages. I am very happy with how it turned out. I just wanted to let everyone know before the pre-sale discount, offered by the author.....not the publisher, expires at the end of Sept for the book. Thank you, John Brennan, former SP5, 114 AHC, 70-71, Vinh Long AAF, Mekong Delta, [email protected]
Catherine Gisi Tempel
9/27/2017 02:06:48 pm
I am looking for anyone who served with my dad, Lt Don Gisi USA on LZ Baldy from May 68-May 69. He passed away in 86 and I am looking to connect with anyone who remembers him over there. I only remember parts of stories that he told me growing up about some of his buddies. I dont readily know his Battalion or Company, but can find out that out if someone can lead me in the right direction.
Deano Vandernoot
4/30/2018 10:05:14 am
Good afternoon, I am looking for any Pilot's, Medic's that were stationed at Hawk Hill with The 23rd Inf. Div. Oct., 1970. I was picked up by Helo with two young sisters, one was wounded (shot in her leg), I was going on Emergency Leave. I was also wounded trying to flush out a VC having a pungee stick into my left knee. A Medic treated my wound at Hawk Hill then I boarded another helo to Chu Lai Air strip. I have been trying to receive The Purple Heart for my wound, but have been told there was no paper work done. Please help! Thank you!
dwight stockdale
12/15/2018 12:00:55 pm
I was on hawk hill with A battery 82D artillery a 105 unit last part 1969
mike aberle
12/17/2018 06:11:27 pm
Hi Dwight,
Bob Flynn
1/4/2019 01:05:26 pm
I was on Hawk Hill assigned to the 23rd medical bin Co C. I arrived Oct 3 , 1970 and was there until we relocated to Freedom Hill in DaNang. I was in the motor pool, where most vehicles were always deadlined due to the rain!!!
Alex R Clemens
7/4/2020 02:26:10 am
Hey Dwight I was Hawk hill, HQ, a couple months until Jan 7, 1970, after leaving Baldy.
Stanley Schlieper
11/12/2023 12:29:57 am
Dave Frandin
5/8/2019 09:39:23 am
Great to see this site on the internet.. I spent a year at LZ Hawk Hill, March 1970-1971. Worked at the 196th Inf Bde MARS Station. If the webmaster is interested I have a bunch of pictures of Hawk Hill from my time there that I'd be happy to upload..
mike aberle
5/8/2019 05:58:01 pm
I was on Hawk Hill until March 1971.
Andrew Dilley
7/5/2024 05:38:58 am
Hey mike! It seems like you served around the time that my grandpa did; with that being said I was wondering if you possibly knew him? His name was Walter L. Dilley he served from 69’-71’ and was apart of C company 23rd medical battalion army, I believe he was a combat medic and his rank was SP4. Any input would be greatly appreciated. Also thanks for your service! and have a good rest of your day.
Michael Kennedy
5/17/2019 09:45:51 am
I was on the other side of LZ Baldy with 2nd Bat 11th Marines from 8/70 to 2/71,
mike knutson
7/17/2019 06:54:54 pm
was with A co, 4/31 we flew in and out of hawk hill on the way to LZ west. all of 1970 last time there was jan 1971
Gene Bivins
7/22/2019 12:14:05 am
Hi guys! I was with D Co., 4th Med Bn, 3rd Brigade Task Force, 4th Division. We move in at LZ Baldy just before Tet '68 and then moved on again in about 2 months' time. We were at 5 different LZs during my year in country. Glad to see your site here. Hats off to all of you~
Jerry Foley
2/20/2020 06:25:05 am
50 years ago today it was a tough day on Hawk Hill. Ken Higgins was killed along with 8 other members of F troop 17th Cav. We treated a lot familiar wounded that day. For me it was memorable, a real gut punch.
6/12/2020 08:09:20 pm
Tôi là em một bộ đội đặc công VN đã chiến đấu và hy sinh tại LZ Baldy ngày 12/5/1969. Tôi mong muốn có được thông tin về số thi hài bộ đội VN các ông đã thu được sua trận chiến và địa điểm các ông đã chôn các thi hài đó. Xin chân thành cảm ơn. KQC
John Rehling
7/22/2020 09:05:31 am
I spent 6 months on Hawk Hill with the 160th Engineering Detachment in 1970.
Robert Lamb
9/5/2020 06:31:57 pm
I was with the 39th combat engineers Co D on LZ Baldy. I landed there on 2/1/68 just in time for Tet. We mine swept the dirt road west from our bunkers on the west edge of the LZ. I was a 22 year old college student draftee and made Sgt E-5 in 11 months at Fort Lenard Wood and pushed basic training troops until I came down on levy for Vietnam. We moved to LZ Young in May and I was on a 5 ton with nine others that hit a mine on May 24 1968. No one was killed but we were all wounded and sent the Danang evac. I d like to hear from anyone that I served with in Co D.
Florencio Rivera
7/19/2021 09:11:46 pm
My uncle Florencio Served as a sergeant medic at Landing Zone Baldy during May 12, 1969 when base camp was attacked. He was from NY and Puerto Rico.
Robert Long
12/14/2021 09:55:25 am
RIP Gary
Deano Vandernoot
3/18/2022 02:04:21 pm
Still looking for the Medic or Doctor who cleaned and re-dressed my left knee from a punge stick wound. I was leaving on ER. leave after leaving two sisters off one was wounded.
4/18/2022 08:21:45 am
We have lost our webmaster an currently looking for someone to carry on our web site.Anyone has capability of doing so please contact William goforth...thank you
David Lynn
7/17/2022 07:40:37 am
LZ Baldy, 1st Marine Division, 1st Tank Bn., Charlie Company, C-31, 1969/70. Presently in Cambodia and heading to LZ Baldy, LZ Ross and Hoi An next month 8/2022. Thank you for your site. It has helped prepare me for the return.
Cordie Croft
7/17/2022 07:31:12 pm
Was at LZ Baldy as 2nd Platoon 23rd MP Co, assigned to the 196th LIB from Feb 69 the Hawk Hill departing last of Jan 7o.
Nick Livanos
3/28/2024 12:19:45 pm
Hi folks. I'm not sure if anyone ever visits here, but I'm looking for connections & stories about my (deceased) dad, Tito Serrano-Gomez. I think he may have started his military service in Vietnam around December 1967 & been stationed with the 23rd Medical Battalion. He has at least one story about a convoy gone wrong between LZ Ross & LZ Baldy.
Andrew Dilley
6/9/2024 03:51:35 pm
Hi, I myself did not serve in Vietnam like many of you brave men or women, but my grandpa Walter L. Dilley did; I was wondering if anyone on here knew of him? He served from 69’-71’ in company C of the 23rd medical battalion. Im just looking to get stories about him or talk to people who have met him as I never got to meet him. Any help is greatly appreciated! Have great day!
Richard Mosher
10/9/2024 03:18:12 pm
On September 26, 2024, President Joe Biden signed into law the award of the Congressional Gold Medal for ALL DUSTOFF/MEDEVAC crews who served so valiantly in the Vietnam War.
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